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Sage 50 running slow? 

Does Sage 50 seem to be running slow lately? You can make it soar with these tips!

UPDATE  3/29/23 by Shirley Byard

SPECIFICALLY FOR SAGE 50 2023 -These updates have been released with little knowledge to the public.  If you have upgraded to Sage 50 2023, and you are having issues, please see the updated information below.  This INFORMATION IS COMING FROM THE SAGE KNOWLEDGEBASE.

How can I tell if I have applied the latest product and services (P&S) update for my release 2023 software?

Created on 01-19-2023 / Last modified on 03-15-2023


How to determine if you have the most current products & services (P&S) update installed.


Product and service updates download in the background. However, if you would like to verify that the latest product and services update has been installed on your machine follow the steps below:

  1. Browse to your Sage 50 program path using Windows Explorer. In order to find your program path follow the instructions in How to find data path and program path.
  2. Locate the Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess.dll file. Right-click the file and select Properties.
  3. Click on the Details tab. Confirm that the File version number is 2023.0.0.22202 and that the Product version number is 2023.0.00.022202. It is important to note that the build number in the Help, About Sage 50 Accounting screen within the application will NOT be updated. The number is ONLY updated in the individual DLL file properties.

Important notes regarding product and services updates:

  1. P&S updates are machine specific and must be applied to all machines individually in a network environment.
  2. Special note for users of Quantum version: In order to install this P&S update the SmartPosting service must be disabled in Windows Services Management Console. For information on disabling the SmartPosting service refer to How do I start, stop, or disable the SmartPosting service?
  3. To manually download the P&S update, open a Sage 50 company and select Services, Check for Updates, Check Now. Note that since P&S updates normally install without any user interaction you may see the message “There are no updates available at this time.” Click OK on the message, then close the Sage 50 application and reopen it to install the P&S update.

If you are still having issues with crashing or performance when loading the Inventory List, apply the latest Actian Zen patch for version 2023. Refer to How to install and verify the latest Actian Zen patch for release 2023.


Updated 4-18-22 by Shirley Byard


First, I have to ask, Is your system in compliance with the Sage MINIMUM requirements These are updated regularly.  They were last modified on 04-05-2022.


Minimum requirements:

Note: Sage will continue to allow Sage 50 Accounting—U.S. Edition to be installed on computers with Windows 7 for the foreseeable, future, but some features may not work as designed in future updates. Beginning in March 2020, subsequent versions of Sage 50 Accounting—U.S. The edition will include a warning message when you attempt to install the product on a computer that is running any edition of Windows 7. However, the installation will be allowed to continue. See Article ID 103797: Will Sage 50 continue to support Windows 7 even though it is past its end of life? for more information.

Minimum system requirements

  • 2.0 GHz processor for a single user and multiple users
  • 4 GB of RAM for a single user and multiple users
  • Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (version 1809 and higher) with the latest updates from Microsoft installed
  • 1 GB of disk space for installation
  • Installation of Internet Explorer 11.0 is required (version 11.0 and higher with Sage Payroll Solutions, Sage Payments Solutions and other Connected Services integration); Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (version 2020 and higher) web browsers are supported when accessing available Connected Services outside of the product
  • Microsoft®.NET Framework 4.7.2, including DirectX Dependency for .NET; requires an additional 280 MB to 850 MB
  • At least high-color (16-bit) SVGA video; Minimum Resolution: 1280×800, Preferred Resolution: 1920×1080 or higher; small fonts/DPI settings required
  • All online features/services require Internet access (For best performance download speeds of at least 25mbps and upload speeds of at least 10mbps)
  • Maximum of 5GB file size for Sage Drive companies
  • The computer name of 15 characters or less required

Integration/compatibility requirements

  • Excel®, Outlook®, and Word integration requires Microsoft Excel, Outlook, and Word (32-bit versions) 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019
  • Microsoft 365 Integration Requires Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Standard, Premium or Enterprise Editions
  • Printers supported by Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
  • Adobe® Reader Acrobat


  • Multiuser environments are supported in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher
  • Multiuser mode is optimized for Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2 (requires installation of KB3118401), Windows Server 2016 client-server networks; Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 peer-to-peer networks
  • A maximum of five licensed named users is allowed for Sage 50 Premium Accounting and up to 40 named users for Sage 50 Quantum Accounting; a named user account is granted a license when selected in the user maintenance screen
  • 2 GB of disk space for installation of components on the server

Terminal Services

  • Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2 (requires installation of KB3118401), Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 along with Remote Desktop Connection or Remote Desktop Web Connection client is required to run in a Windows Terminal Services environment; no more than 5 named users for Sage 50 Premium Accounting or up to 40 named users for Sage 50 Quantum Accounting
  • Terminal Server requires additional memory when more than one user is running under Windows Terminal Services


Customer registration and acceptance of License Agreement for Sage 50 Accounting software products

Recommended configuration

  • 2.4 GHz processor (Intel Core i3 and higher) for a single user and multiple users
  • 4 GB of RAM for a single user and 8 GB and higher for multiple users
  • Hard-wired high-speed internet connection if using Remote Data Access

Enable IPv6

Some earlier versions of Sage 50 worked best with IPv4, but your new 2021 version functions best with IPv6. To enable IPv6 on Windows 10, go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings (look on the right-hand side). Right-click on your network and click Properties. Look in the list of checkboxes under the words “This connection uses the following items.” Check the box that says “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6). 

Get the Right Antivirus

You need a good antivirus like Norton, McAfee, BitDefender, Avast, or Broadcom. This keeps your computer safe from viruses that make it run slow.

Set Your Antivirus Up Right

Regardless of what antivirus solution you choose, you should exclude certain Sage 50-related directories from active scanning. 

On the server and each local workstation, exclude: 

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Actian 
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage 
  • C:\Program Data\Actian (you may need to show hidden files) 
  • C:\Sage\Peachtree 

For more information on excluding files from active scanning, just visit Sage’s Knowledgebase article on this topic.

If your antivirus scans mapped network drives, exclude your shared Sage directory as well. The shared Sage directory is usually C:\Sage\Peachtree\ on the server. 

Adjust Your Firewall Settings

Try running Sage 50 while both your local firewall and your server firewall are disabled on public, private, and domain profiles. If you see that disabling the firewall speeds up Sage, experiment with how different firewall settings affect the program. You may need to weigh whether a given level of firewall protection is worth the loss of speed. 

Get the Right Computer

The difference in performance in the list lookup function between Windows 7 operating systems and Windows 10 operating systems (and server operating systems running on their respective kernels) is due to core changes in the way the different operating systems handle the processing of managed and unmanaged code.

In short the more items that display in the list the longer it can take to access, having said that there are some things that can be done to help improve performance. Many have already been mentioned in the thread but to reiterate:

We recommend these specs: 

    • I-7 processor 
    • Solid State Drive (many users see great performance improvements with an SSD)
    • 512 GB Hard Drive if on a Network1T if standalone 
    • At least 8 GB ram16 GB is better!  If on a network step up to 32 GB of Ram.
    • 64 Bit operating system 
    • Windows 10 (and take all the latest updates!)

Note:  There is a difference in performance in the list lookup function between Windows 7 operating systems and Windows 10 operating systems (and server operating systems running on their respective kernels) it is due to core changes in the way the different operating systems handle the processing of managed and unmanaged code.

Check Your Network Hardware

Sage 50 is not supported on a wireless environment. Ask your network administrator to link the server to the workstations through a hard connection. Experiment with different CAT 5 hardwires and check that your switch and network card are functioning properly.  A bad wire, card, or switch can cause data errors.  Make sure all plugs are secure and snapped in.

Purge Old Records

If your company file gets large, you may experience performance issues. Purge old records by marking them inactive and running the purge wizard. (Go to Tasks > System > Purge Wizard). 

Deep-Purge Old Records

If your company file gets very largeSage 50’s in-built purge wizard may not be enough to cut it down to size. At Best Business Strategies, we can perform a deep purge to get you the fastest, leanest file possible. We offer weekend service—upload your data to our secure portal on a Friday, and have it ready for your accounting staff to resume work on Monday. Call 304-233-2612 for a free quote.

Adjust your program settings

  • Turn off the Smart Data posting (move to Real-time posting)   Go to Options Tab> Global > General > Smart Data > Uncheck Auto Field completion and the Dropdown list Displays automatically.  These will speed up the time to populate a list
  • Hide inactive records – Go to Options Tab> Global > Accounting > Other Options> Hide inactive records.

If running data on a Server

IF you have Sage 50 running on a workstation station that is connected to a server, there’s an apparent windows issue that causes a slowdown.  If you set the work stations to use Terminal Services to remote desktop to the server under each user’s login.  That issue will essentially go away.

UPGRADE to the new Sage 50 2022.   It seems that many people are trying to put older programs that were not designed for Windows 10 on this operating system.  If you want to get the greatest speed in your program, we suggest moving ahead to the latest and greatest program.   We have great pricing.  Check out our website today!

P.S. If your computer seems to be getting slower and slower, it may be close to failure. You need a backup solution to catch your data before it falls. Enveloc® provides the safest, easiest, most reliable, and most cost-effective data backup solution on the market today. Enveloc saves your data in a secure cloud for 360 days—in the event of ransomware or cryptovirus, you can easily restore your data. To learn more, call us at 304-233-2612 or just fill in our Enveloc contact form. 

 #Sage50  #BestBusinessStrategies

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