Useful Tips & Tricks
by Best Business Strategies / Shirley Byard /304-233-2612 / Shirley@BestBusinessStrategies.com
Set it up right from the start.Take your time to get the settings right.Choose the correct GL Account numbers or the correct inventory type.If you don’t know, ask.This is the most important task you have!
Did you know that you can find field limitations in Help under IMPORTS?If you are looking for character limits for ID’s, Titles, Descriptions, lines on an invoice, items in an assembly, the best place to find this information is in import information in Help.Go to the Help tab and look up Imports under the index tab.
If you want to import something in to Sage 50, create a template using existing data.Go to one of the sample companies and manually create one of the items you are wanting to import.Now export the item to see how the fields are displayed.Remember, you cannot use quotation marks in your import and titles of columns are a must.
Account Balances
If you have some discrepancies in your General Ledger AP, AR or Inventory Balances and they do not agree with your subsidiary ledgers for AP, AR or Inventory, it is usually because someone made a General Journal Entry to the account control number.Any adjustments made to these modules need to be made through the invoicing process.
Back up, Back up, Back up.When do you back up?If you don’t want to redo the work you just did, it is time to back up.
To get a good remote backup, you must shut Sage 50 down at night.
Several ways to back up.
1. ) Use the Backup Scheduler that comes with the program.
2.)Use on line back up in the new Sage 50C,
3.)Use an outside service like Enveloc.They will not only back up Sage 50 but many other files in your system.They will also help you restore your files in the event of an emergency.
When backing up, DO NOT Backup in your company file.Always use the arrow up, create a backup file if you don’t have one in the Company file and back up there.Why ? If you happen to have file corruption, you won’t lose your backup!
Choose options before you open the report!Example, Go to reports> general ledger> general ledger trial balance then right click on general ledger trial balance> modify and it will give you the option before you open the report.
Go to Options Tab> Defaults (You can assign the Deposit ticket ID in the Receipt or Deposit Ticket. Choose here in defaults)
Refund Credit Card
How to credit an invoice paid with a credit card?Create a credit memo to process the return and then go to receipts to pay the customer back.
Ease of Use:
Pay Bill VS Write Check.
Review and set up your Defaults in the program.
Create your own Dashboards (Quantum)
How to remove a line on an Invoice – Row, Insert or Remove Row
Last opened company.– Adjust this in the Options screen.
Use the Management Tabs- Customers, Inventory, Vendors & Jobs(Quantum only)
Change the look of Sage 50 – Go to Options > Global
Sale Tax
Sales tax – 2 places to change taxable / nontaxable
1.) in the maintenance record.
2.) On the fly at the end of a row in the invoice. Change the 1 to a 2 to make it nontaxable.
Find Answers
Sage Knowledge base
On-line Chat
Sage City
Sage Advisor inside the program
Help Tab >Help > Index
Set up security for each user or group of users ( Maintain >Security)
Review Audit Trail(Reports > Company > Audit Trail )
Year End
Review and Close all unused purchase & sales orders before running the year end wizard.
Turn to period 13 before running your Year End Wizard to reduce data errors.