Q.What is Sage Drive ?
Sage Drive is the feature that enables you to upload your Sage 50 data to the cloud and allows you and others to work in the cloud—anytime, and anywhere you have Internet access and Sage 50 installed on the computer.
Note: Sage Drive is only available to customers on the latest release of Sage 50 Accounting and requires a computer with Internet Explorer 10, Firefox, or Chrome and a high-speed Internet connection. Sage 50 data may only be accessed from one additional device, by one person at a time, and there are limits as to the amount of data that can be accessed. Data access is subject to Internet provider network availability and occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance.
Q. How do I activate Sage Drive in Sage 50—U.S. Edition?
If you have an existing Sage ID:
- Open a company.
- Select File, Sage Drive, Share Company.
- Select Activate it now.
- Log onto your Sage ID.
- Once it’s activated, you will be able to share a company, manage users, or stop sharing a company from the File, Sage Drive menu in Sage 50.
Q. What if I don’t have an existing Sage ID?
New customers must create a Sage ID:
- Open a company.
- Select File, Sage Drive, Share Company.
- Select Sign up now.
- Enter the requested information to create your Sage Make sure you have access to the email address you use because you will need to activate your account from this email address.
- Select Create.
- From your email, select the Sage ID Activation link.
- If you are the person who will be sharing a company, select Register.
- In Sage 50, select File, Sage Drive, Share Company (if you do not have a company open, select File, Download a Sage Drive Company).
- Select Activate it now from the Sage Drive Company Share Wizard.
Q. How do I download a Sage 50 company shared with Sage Drive?
- Select File, Download a Sage Drive Company.
Note: This option is available only when no companies are open in the program.
- Select Sign In with your Sage ID and enter your information.
- From the Sage Drive Company Access Wizard Select Next.
- Select the company you wish to download, then select Next.
- During the download process, a local copy of the company is created in your data path.
- A download will only occur once.
- After the company has been downloaded, you will open a Sage Drive company like any other company.
- Once the download is complete, you will see your Sage Drive company listed in the Open an Existing Company window. A cloud emblem next to the company name indicates all Sage Drive companies.
- Open your Sage Drive You will see a brief message: Opening a Sage Drive Company. Please Wait. Once the Sage Drive company is open, you can work in the company.
Q. How do I share a Sage 50 company using Sage Drive?
- Open the company you wish to
- Select File, Sage Drive, Share Company.
- Log onto your Sage ID then select Next.
- If prompted, select Allow to grant Sage ID permission to access Sage
- Select Create Backup (this makes a local backup of your company data).
- Once the backup has been created, select Share Company.
- Once the upload has completed select Next, Finish.
Note: Currently, you can share an unlimited number of companies using Sage Drive. There is not a company database size limit. Your Sage 50 data may be accessed by one person at a time.
Q. How do I add users to Sage Drive?
- Open the Sage Drive company for which you want to add or manage users.
- Select File, Sage Drive, Manage User Access (Management Center).
- Select Add User.
Note: You are entitled to four users and one accountant user. The total of entitled users does not correspond with the Sage 50c—U.S. Edition license agreement. Currently there is no difference between users and the accountant user.
- Enter the user’s information.
Note: Once this information is saved, you cannot edit the user name or email address.
- Select the company or companies you wish to share, then select Save.
- The user will receive an email invitation to use the shared Sage Drive If the user does not have a Sage ID, he or she will need to create one.
Q. How do I remove a user from having access to my Sage Drive company?
1. Select File, Sage Drive, Manage User Access (Management Center).
- Select the By user radio button to show all users.
- Highlight the user name and select the delete button.
- If the delete button is not enabled when you select the user, that indicates the user is the owner of Sage Drive
- When the user is associated with multiple companies, this will remove access to all companies, and that user can no longer download current versions of the Users will have access to the previously downloaded local copy of the data
Q. How do I stop sharing a Sage Drive company?
Note: The data owner is the only user who can stop sharing a Sage Drive company.
- Open the Sage Drive company you want to stop sharing.
- Select File, Sage Drive, Stop Sharing.
- Select Yes to confirm you wish to stop sharing the company.
- This will remove the company from Sage Drive,
- Any user who has previously downloaded the company will still have access to the local copy; however, that user will not have the latest changes saved to the company.
- You will receive a confirmation message that the company is no longer shared.